What is DONÜTS?

DONÜTS is a fake product, created to help me build out this beautiful landing page. Donuts are real and tasty but nothing on this website can be purchased or exists. Thanks to findwunder.com for having such a beautiful and inspiring site.
What is Plunder & Poach?

Plunder and Poach is a project to help me continue to develop my design and development skills. I scour the nets looking for cool websites and designs, then try my best to replicate them. Since they are usually real sites for real brands, I also rebrand the site and create my own product. See more Plunder & Poach projects here.
Who am I?

I'm Will Robinson, a freelance web designer and developer from Toronto. Since I'm self taught and freelance, I'm constantly trying to get better and improve my skills and efficiency in web development. That's why I started this project, and in between client projects I will continue to build my portfolio and skill set with these projects.
Thanks for checking out my work!
Can I build you a website?

Definitely! Please reach out if you’d like to work together. Lately I've been swept away by the ease and efficiency of Webflow but I’m also proficient with HTML, CSS, JS as well as website builders like Wordpress, Square Space and Shopify. Here’s my portfolio to see more of my work.